km ridden today: 121
km ridden total: 8790
Photos today: 284
Photos total: 12,135
Castles/Palaces total: 9
Pubs visited total: 18
Churches/Cathedrals total: 16
Distilleries total: 3
Ferries total: 7
Rainy days total: 19
It was overcast this morning, apparently only 40% chance of rain.
My first stop was Rockfleet Castle, which Gráinne acquired by marriage.
It started raining just as I was leaving here.
The rain and wind were getting pretty bad. I was thinking of going back to Westport as today's scheduled ride was about 300km.
I stopped and checked out my waypoints & saw there was some more Gráinne stuff up ahead so decided to complete the lap of Achill Island.
Next stop Kildownet Cemetery.
Then onto Kildownet Castle another of Gráinne's castles.
Gráinne looks good parked outside a castle owned by her namesake.
So glad I continued on. The rain had stopped very windy but OMG.
The video is a bit hard to hear because of the wind.
I had to keep stopping to take photos because there were so many beautiful spots.
Got something to eat & a coffee before heading back to Westport, I thought I had seen the last of the rain for a while but whilst I was in the cafe it started raining again.
I think the rain is just where I am, I went back to Westport and it hadn't been raining, but started a few hours after I got back.
Click the target for today's photos🎯
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