km ridden today: 201
km ridden total: 4072
Photos today: 182
Photos total: 6692
Castles/Palaces total: 3
Pubs visited total: 12
Churches/Cathedrals total: 14
Ferries total: 2
Rainy days total: 7
Another misty morning, I checked the weather for York and it said there was a low chance of rain. It rained on and off but wasn't raining in York when I got there.
I had played around with some settings on my Garmin camera trying to get the photos lighter, but they came out all funny.
I made my way to A1 Moto who are the Triumph dealer and asked if I could leave my bike there for a few hours while I looked around town.
Not far out of York I realised my @garmin Virb Ultra 30 was not charging so once in York I checked the fuse, which was ok, so no idea why it is no longer charging (this was another supposed Garmin upgrade I wish I hadn't made), I have found on a number of occasions the case has condensation. It was working fine yesterday. I had the Garmin Virb XE for a number of years hard wired to the bike without any issues.
I had a look around York, they call Adelaide the city of Churches I'd be surprised if it has anything on York, there seems to be a church on every corner.
Then it was off to Squires Cafe to meet up with some fellow HTOC (Hinckley Triumph Owners Club) members, thanks to those that were there to meet me.
#becstasadventures #tiger800 #triumphtiger800 #triumphau #triumphofficial #triumph #i❤mytriumph #triumphriders #triumphaustralia #ridersassociationoftriumph #triumphtiger #garmin #garminultra30 #englishweather #england #yorkshire #york #churches #squires #squirescafe #richmond #uk #a1moto #htoc #hinkley @ Squires Bikers-cafe
Click the target for today's photos 🎯
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