km ridden today: 70
km ridden total: 3257
Photos today: 116
Photos total: 5194
Castles/Palaces total: 3
Pubs visited total: 6
Churches/Cathedrals total: 11
Ferries total: 2
Rainy days total: 4
After the service it was off to Wolverhampton with lots more rain on the way. The hotel was very quirky @ Barons Court Hotel
My reason for staying in Wolverhampton was to meet my Great Uncle Jack & Betty. It was fantastic to get to spend some time (if only a few hours) with them.
A big thanks to Blue Knights England XI for a great weekend and ride today (even though the weather was terrible).
Agh damn I discovered my pannier is leaking, not good when it is pouring with rain.
I have only ever put the rain cover on my tank bag twice & both times have been on this holiday. 😏
It was an honour to be asked to lay the wreath on behalf of Blue Knights UK & Ireland at the COPS (Care of Police Survivors) memorial service, and I was proud to be there representing Australia. @ National Memorial Arboretum
After the service it was off to Wolverhampton with lots more rain on the way. The hotel was very quirky @ Barons Court Hotel
My reason for staying in Wolverhampton was to meet my Great Uncle Jack & Betty. It was fantastic to get to spend some time (if only a few hours) with them.
Click the target for today's photos 🎯
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