km ridden today: 374
km ridden total: 3085
Photos today: 224
Photos total: 4857
Castles/Palaces total: 3
Pubs visited total: 5
Churches/Cathedrals total: 8
Ferries total: 2
Rainy days total: 2
Today I went to Thetford to visit the Dad's Army Museum. Dad's Army is my favourite show. If you don't know what it is or haven't watched it, drop everything and start watching now (but don't panic). 😄📺
I left Kirby Muxloe at 0740 (I didn't even have my morning coffee) as it was supposed to get hot today. It took me 4 hours to get there, way longer than expected, which was due to traffic and it was hot. 😅
I managed to find the motorbike parking near the Guild Hall and got chatting to @icytube (instagram) and also a gentleman who rode his motorbike from Finland.
I then went to the museum to discover it was closed. There were people around as they had a bus tour in by arrangement. When they heard I was from Australia and was riding my motorbike around they gave me a tour. I really appreciate that they allowed me in and took the time for the tour.
Silly boy
If anyone is in the area I would highly recommend you visit. But first check the opening times as the museum is run by volunteers.
After the museum I went and found Captain Mainwaring and then wandered around town.
Apparently it got to 31 in Thetford today and I was pretty hot and was not looking forward to putting all my gear on again but was ok once I got moving as my sweat was like an air conditioner (non motorbike people probably have no idea how nice this is on a hot day) and it only took 3 hours to get back.
Click the target to see today's photos 🎯
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