km ridden today: 488
km ridden total: 2242
Photos today: 308
Photos total: 4118
Castles/Palaces total: 3
Pubs visited total: 5
Churches/Cathedrals total: 8
Ferries total: 2
Rainy days total: 2
Today I was invited to attend the Blue Knights England V BBQ in North Wales. I was to meet up with Neil, Elaine, Myra & Andy about 1/2 hour north of where I was staying.
We stopped for a delicious ice cream at Snugburys.
We rode mostly main roads so the scenery wasn't great but it did improve once in Wales.
Llandudno has some fantastic scenery.
I was very slack and didn't take any photos at the BBQ (I stole the below photo from Neil).
For the return trip we rode some awesome roads, and the scenery was beautiful. I now know why people told me I need to visit Wales.
Click the target to see all of today's photos 🎯
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