km ridden today: 0
km ridden total: 1754
Photos today: 88
Photos total: 3810
Castles/Palaces total: 3
Pubs visited total: 5
Churches/Cathedrals total: 8
Ferries total: 2
Rainy days total: 2
Forecast today was 60% chance of rain. I decided after the last 2 days I didn't feel like riding in the rain again so decided to have a rest day of sorts.
I had a great nights sleep and managed a sleep in until 0730. I attempted to do some blog updates but the WiFi is slow and I barely have phone reception.
There is a castle close to where I am staying so took a stroll to have a look at it.
I then took a stroll around the local church.
And then the village.
I then had a coffee and a black pudding (my first since I have been here) sausage roll at the local cafe. Then back to the hotel for more blog updates.
Click the target to see all of today's photos 🎯
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