km ridden today: 197
km ridden total: 1754
Photos today: 158
Photos total: 3722
Castles/Palaces total: 2
Pubs visited total: 5
Churches/Cathedrals total: 8
Ferries total: 2
Rainy days total: 2
Big thanks to Ann for putting me up for the night and cooking me dinner & breakfast.
England is really putting the weather on, heavy rain for most of the way.
Who cares when you are at the Triumph HQ & Gráinne is home (sort of, Tiger 800's are not made in Hinkley but in Thailand).
I arrived around 1220, my tour wasn't until 1430 so I had heaps of time to have a look around before the tour.
A "Streak" of Tigers.
Thanks to Neil & Elaine for coming down from Derby to meet up & Laura-Ann for her big 4-minute trek. 😀
I enjoyed the tour; we didn't get to see any bikes in production as the factory stops work early on Fridays. I was disappointed in the clothing range at the shop. They had a really cool Tiger t-shirt it was a ladies cut with the biggest size being XXL which I reckon would have been lucky to be a M.
Click the target to see all of today's photos 🎯
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