Me at The Great Ocean Road.
Ange at The Great Ocean Road.
The Bay of Martyrs.
Ange @ The Bay of Martyrs.
Ange & I @ The Bay of Martyrs.
The 12 Apostles car park.
As you can see while we were at the 12 Apostles the sun came out. The had been predicting bad storms with lots of rain but all was good so far. The it was on to Lorne for lunch.
The outskits of Lorne.
Our cabin at Queenscliffe.
Today was my favourite day of riding so far. Ange and I just rode at a leisurely pace taking in the beautiful scenery we were passing through.
We are currently sitting in our cabin with a storm raging around us. There is thunder and rain. There are currently flood warnings for Victoria. We are hoping the storm once again clears by morning and we have a nice cool ride tomorrow.
We are off to the local bowling club for dinner tonight.
Waiting for the bus to go to the Bowling Club.
Peter, Marilyn & Rob
Rob, Pete & Chris.
Looks like it was a great day today, the Great Ocean Road is one ride I want to do