Canberra - Singapore - London
approx. 17,000km
Photos Today: 19
Photos Total: 19
I had spent the last couple of weeks stressing about getting everything done before I left, well to late now.
I chose to fly with Singapore airlines. My reasons for choosing them were I had heard good reports about them, their premium economy was a lot cheaper than other airlines and they fly out of Canberra which is very convenient.
The flight departed Canberra around 2315 (my hope was that I might sleep on the plane (but it wasn't to be, which really wasn't surprising)).

With 7.5 hours flying time that had us arriving into Singapore around approx 0730AEST (Singapore are 2 hrs behind so it was 0530 local time. I managed to catch a cold on this flight so along with being exhausted from lack of sleep (I did manage to doze a bit) I now had a stuffy head and sore throat, I purchased some cold & flu tablets and lozenges.

Departure from Singapore was at 0900 local time (1100AEST, 0200 London time), flying time of 13.5 hrs had me at Heathrow at 1530. So total hours of flying = 21 hours plus 3.5 hours waiting in Singapore = 24.5 hours. Total Travel time from the time I arrived at Canberra airport till I landed in Heathrow was 27 hours, no wonder I am exhausted.
Well a great start to what will be the adventure of a lifetime. Look forward to your updates. Stay safe stay well and enjoy. XOXO